Friday, November 9, 2012

Nostalgia & Anticipation

Living in the moment? Pshaw! I couldn't be further from living in the moment right now...

I'm sitting in that space of the kaleidoscope where I'm looking forward, trying to focus on the immediate future while past memories and friendships are rushing through the brain like a Hogwarts quidditch match. Yes, it may be beautiful but it is also awfully confusing...

Eugene, Oregon: This is where I started my Cascadia journey in 2004. I'm in Eugene today to see old friends, reinforce those relationships and then zip back north to Portland tonight for a going away fest (please come!).  

I've built a life in Oregon and many friendships since my wide-eyed arrival years ago. If you've ever called yourself a resident of Eugene you know that nothing seems to ever change here and that same comfort and consistency is present today as I drive around town and visit old haunts. (I snuck in that bar as a freshman with a fake ID, climbed that tree on a 2nd date, took Aya to the park for the very first time, drank beers on that porch, could always count on finding a friend and postponing studying at that coffee shop...)

I'll be going to campus in a few hours to take care of some academic business and also to hear a speaker discuss China's investment in Africa. It's nostalgia in that by attending an African Studies speech in Knight Library, I'll be reliving my life as an undergrad but it's forward looking because development, travel and internationalism are my immediate future.  The latter is increasingly occupying brainspace and I'm acutely aware of this shift from local politics to considering forces of change and empowerment in an international space.

Last night I told my friend Brodie (over cakes and tea at Sweet Life Patisserie) that I feel vapid with my imminent transition on the brain & always talking about this personal journey; sorry about that. I promise to soon become preoccupied with many a more interesting topic very soon dear readers. Please stay tuned and humor me as I wade through this odd Kaleidscope of backwards looking nostalgia and forward seeking anticipation. I promise to find myself much more in the present when it comes rushing to meet me at 600 mph & 30,000 feet ;)

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